Mindful Parenting

This parenting thing can catch us by surprise. We may be entirely competent in many areas of our lives, but once the kids arrive, we can find ourselves frustrated, at a loss, overwhelmed, feeling underprepared, and at times, downright out of control.

Can mindfulness help you as a parent?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, mindfulness—becoming more aware with what’s happening in and around you—not only develops parenting skills but also helps us figure out the underlying psychology that’s driving some of our less-than-awesome parenting behaviors.

Mindfulness transforms parenting and fosters our own personal, relational, and spiritual development.

Try some simple mindful parenting exercises »

Can mindfulness help your child?

Yes! In fact, many schools have brought mindfulness programs into the classroom to help students develop empathy, emotional regulation, resilience, and attention, to name a few.

A great summary of the research can be found on MindfulSchools. You can definitely bring mindfulness practices into your home and begin practicing as a family.

Read the research on mindfulness in education »

Your child’s spiritual development matters

Have you ever wondered whether your child’s spiritual development mattered to their long term well-being? Would spiritual formation play a role in overcoming inevitable challenges in early adulthood, such as crises, surviving disappointment and loss, or dealing with a diagnosis? The answer is yes!

Research by Columbia professor Dr. Lisa Miller, as thoughtfully explained in her fabulous book The Spiritual Child, shows that children who have an engaged spiritual life are:

  • 40% less likely to use and abuse substances
  • 60% less likely to be depressed as teenagers
  • 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex
  • Significantly more likely to have positive markers for thriving, including an increased sense of meaning and purpose, and high levels of academic success. [citation: http://www.lisamillerphd.com/]